How do you even date in a big city ? - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

How do you even date in a big city ?

27M here

I'm from a smaller western Canadian city currently living in Toronto . Ive also lived in Vancouver for less than a year but it's not really a big city , dating dynamics aren't too bad, dating was easy there ime

I've been off apps for some time now but I think I wanna try em again. How do even date in a large city if girls have so many options ?

Like ok I did get some hookups (usually girls visiting form elsewhere) in Toronto using dating apps but my real dates never went well I was always either ghosted or told there was no chemistry if I didn't try to hook up with them (these girls told me or their profile said they're looking a relationship). Also it's harder to get matches in a large city ime

Many girls also told me they're talking to and meeting multiple guys all the time lol (large city = too many options). Some girls told me they go on lots of dates but don't feel connection with any of them lol lol

So yea should I just stay off these apps or what ? How is it even possible to date if you're one of the 100 guys ?

submitted by /u/over4m3
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from Dating Advice

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