I suck at kissing/ or making out idk honestly? - ATX News Paper

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I suck at kissing/ or making out idk honestly?

So i am come in relationship with this girl. Its my first official relationship with girl (even girl its her first). i never kissed before her to anyone so its first time when we kissed she told me after it was bad because i try to use tongue and try to eat her lips. so after first date i never use my tongue she says it get better but still i try to eat her lips you eat all of my lipstick i mean she tell me after so many days and i cannot understand how
I mean i cannot understand so when i try to neck kiss her she like dont kiss hard it will leave mark so i just kiss her soft kiss my lips and she be like dude i dont feel even anything you suck at neck kissing i was like i just dont even started i just one time and she start rubbing badly, if do little bit hard so that she can feel something she pushes me away i mean really

if do soft its problem you dont feel anything do hard then it will leave mark or something
I mean let me even try i dont know its my first time even yours at least ell me how i will do that way but she even dont want to do that

i am even she like you dont know its girl sensitive part it make them red and it turn on that other part is that and that
I mean you kiss only 2 guy before me and ask whats difference she dont know
and honestly i never tell she even suck sometime like she blow air sometime and kiss hard that my lips start hurting i mean she pulls me sometime and our teeth clash sometime scratch my lips with teeth but its not like i making issue
if i say i know i suck i told i dont have experience on first date and she be like sexual things are never imprtant for me its second thing its not important how u treat me imp and all bullshit
but then making feel down after that like oh u suck did i say about your sexual how it suck i know its your first how bad you are at this stuff i know it take time

honsetly she kinda toxic like oh boys this that and say something
idk neck kiss is just kiss what can i do rather just putting myh lips on neck like just open mouth little bit suck little bit i cannot do anything morre

and i was insecure because of this for like so many days
i mean i never been relationship before its note like that like many girl confess me but dont want to because first girl left me because i dont have money and honestly my whole life is mess like i just want something serious i seriously dont have energy for casual neither i like those stuff. i cannot kiss somone without any feeling. ya little bit inseure about this stuff because i know girl prefer experienced one now and i dont have any.
My all friends saying you have so many just go casual with experienced one so that you know how to do stuff and if you found good one atleast she dont have problem with that

Idk why kissing become such big thing
idk neck kiss just kiss what can i do i cannot understand
It’s not like I can ask someone to practice with me lol so can anyone help me out with some advice to be a better kisser?
sorry its quiet long..

submitted by /u/Substantial_Tip1069
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