Tinder really upset me as a woman trying to use it - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Tinder really upset me as a woman trying to use it

When I tried using Tinder for a little while it really destroyed my self esteem. I always heard dating apps are so easy for women and I just didn’t find it to be true. Men on there of all different ages (I set my age range up to 15 years older as I’m open minded to that) and men of all different kinds of looks and ages would all message me and say something disgusting like to come to their house and have sex. I had almost no messages asking to take me on a date.

Men in real life have never spoken to me so sexually forward and inappropriately.

It just seemed like conversations with men either drifted off to nothing, or men would suddenly say something sexual out of nowhere.

Also what really hurt me is I constantly hear people say that men will be overtly sexual with women they don’t think are attractive enough, because they don’t take her seriously so this hurt. I’ve had some people rate me as very attractive and I think I’d like to believe them.

Since using Tinder I’ve been having a hard time feeling good enough for dating. Anytime a man shows interest I feel terrified he will just want sex and not take me seriously

submitted by /u/hottmaxxinggirl
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from Dating Advice https://ift.tt/2VtxOtS

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