Sticky situation ending things with a guy - ATX News Paper

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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Sticky situation ending things with a guy

I (21F) recently had an encounter with a (23M) whom I met once, had a date with, and ended up hooking up with. We talked for about a week and he got very invested very quickly, so I just followed along thinking maybe it’d work. After feeling very overwhelmed and confused by my lack of feelings for him, I attempted to break it off by sending him a very kindly worded text saying I just didn’t feel as though I was ready to handle a relationship or dating at all right now.

He responded rather angrily and actually started lashing out, saying things were too complicated with me and he just wanted somebody to hang out with. I was genuinely trying to break it off as clean as possible but he wouldn’t let me, saying he just wanted to talk to me. I was kind of afraid because of his response, and tried to appease him yet again. I told him just to give me time and space and if I want to try again, I will come back. That’s the last text I’ve sent him and since then he has sent me a long text pouring his heart out and another saying he was thinking of me.

I don’t want to hurt him obviously, or I wouldn’t have even talked to him again, but I wonder how I should go about cutting him off again? He is clearly quite a bit emotionally unstable and quick to respond in emotional ways, so I don’t know that I should tell him again that I’m just not interested. I need to know what to do to end this safely with the least damage possible. Should I simply block him or allow the texts to roll in for a couple days/weeks and then block? He also got really upset after finding out I deleted him on Snapchat last time. I don’t want to risk him discovering I blocked him and coming to my house or something.

submitted by /u/vanilla_ice22
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from Dating Advice

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