Did she lose interest or is it bad timing? - ATX News Paper

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Friday, February 28, 2020

Did she lose interest or is it bad timing?

Had been getting to know/dating her for 3 months or so, would do group activities with her sister and our friends but also had a few nights out and a weekend away together.

She came out of a absuvie relationship around a year ago and the court trial for her ex started last week. About 2 months ago she called things off because she was just looking for friends etc, so I left it and just tried moving on. We ended up talking about 2 weeks later and our feelings grew, to the stage were she was telling her sister she was really starting to like me, and spoke about the idea of us together.

The last few weeks however have been rocky, she's been distancing herself more and more, I've kind of put it down to the trial starting and her being very stressed about that, but a part of me does believe she's just lost interest in me and just doesn't care as much. Our messaging has slowed down a lot and when we do spend time together things just seem a bit different.

A couple of weeks ago we had a falling out and she basically said she was going to walk away from the situation before someone got hurt, so I told her if she just wanted to be friends then that's what we'd be and I'd move on. She didn't even reply and we went a week without talking.

I feel myself starting to just feel a bit desperate and needy, because I'm trying too hard to talk and be in her life. I've picked her and her sister up from nights out twice over the past 2weeks and both times she's told me how she misses me, but then the next day it's back to reality and she's distant.

I've told myself that I need to put my feelings for her to the side and just be there for her through these hard times, but I do feel myself overthinking everything

submitted by /u/liambush
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