[26M] How do I stop feeling like crap over my romantic life? - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, February 27, 2020

[26M] How do I stop feeling like crap over my romantic life?

Rather, my lack of one. I went on a few lunch dates with someone in college, that's all I've got to speak of.

I try to be easy on myself over it, but it's mostly by not thinking about it. I've been slipping and dwelling on it lately, and it just hurts like hell. Love and sex are a normal part of adult life. By not having figured them out, I feel like I do not meet the basic requirements to be an adult, like I'm a man-child. Or like I'm developmentally delayed, like I'm years behind everyone else, like there's something wrong with me.

Diet, exercise, dressing better, confidence, etc. will obviously get me where I want to be romantically, but I'm gonna keep feeling like this now and then, even while I'm working on myself, and it won't help my progress whenever I dwell on the above and get this horrible emotional feeling like I've been punched hard in the stomach. Has anyone dealt with and handled these feelings before?

tl;dr I'm working on myself, but I want to stop feeling humiliated and ashamed of myself in the meantime. I really want to believe that I'm not a failure or a disgrace or a loser, but I don't know how.

submitted by /u/Upper-Winter
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