You guys am I an idiot? Should I move on or do nothing? - ATX News Paper

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Friday, February 28, 2020

You guys am I an idiot? Should I move on or do nothing?

Hey everyone!

about 2 years ago, I met this girl who was my coworker at the time. She was the first number I ever got. She's really amazing and I was planning on asking her out until I found out she had a boyfriend. Despite that, we both became pretty good friends and we were basically work best friends for the short period of time she worked there. We also hung out in a group of friends a few times.

After she quit, We still kept in touch through text messages. The messages between us weren't often (I didn't want to get between her and her boyfriend), but I wanted to keep in touch (I hate getting out of touch of such amazing people).

We've been exchanging messages for about 2 years now, with the time between messages for the both of us ranging from 1 week to 3 weeks. Our messages are still enthusiastic and usually a few paragraphs in size every time.

That's is about as involved in her life as I have been for a while now. I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake keeping in touch and if I should have moved on. I just couldn't let someone that amazing just disappear. Now, even if I wanted to move on, I'm not even sure how to? I'd hate to ghost her. Should I not do anything, and just continue as is?

submitted by /u/throwawayvalentine20
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