Confused About Relationship with Co-worker - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, February 27, 2020

Confused About Relationship with Co-worker

So I work with this guy who's super sweet, fun, down to earth. A few weeks back we went out to a work happy hour where the two of us talked and hung out for a few hours. I was surprised that he took the initiative to sit next to me. I felt a great vibe with him and felt like maybe there was a spark there I hadn't noticed before. Segway to Valentine's day, I decided to bite the bullet and message him my number. He texted me nearly instantly and we talked most of the weekend. Granted he does space out his texts by a few hours. Our communication has been picking up steam at work and through text. This week he asked me to lunch (which was today). Naturally I was super excited and put a lot of emphasis on today because I really dig him. While at lunch he told me that he's hasn't dated anyone in a long time (M26) I'm female (28). He told me he is selfish and doesn't want to put in the work because he likes to be home by himself. I thought this was an odd thing to say considering we've been so flirty over the past few weeks. We laugh, have a lot in common and generally seem to get each other. Once we got back to the office he gave me a great hug! A few hours later I texted him letting know I had a great time and would like to hangout more if he wants to. And now.. radio silence, he hasn't responded. It's making me upset because via his body language and super inquisitive questions that he for sure liked me. Now I'm left questioning it all and that he has zero desire to put in any effort?..

submitted by /u/sarahsingssongs1991
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