Bruh... Dating is inverted for me (M27) - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Bruh... Dating is inverted for me (M27)

The theme of advice I've studied so far has a few simple dating rules about ladies showing interest in guys... but my experience is often different when it comes to meeting women...

In no particular order it's common knowledge that a heavenly blessed beauty whom'st is interested will display a couple signs such as

-Strong Eye Contact

-Smile or grin

while talking to her she wont give 1 word answers or seem nervous, she will be receptive

That's just my rudimentary very basic understanding of gauging a blessed beauties interest in me. or at least that's normally how its suppose to work right? So what the halibut is wrong with me?

I mean most of the time I have no idea where the hell the ladies stand with me, they give me so many mixed singles. When (single) women look at me, they don't smile at me, they look to the ground or to the side to avoid eye contact. If I attempt conversation I'm met with one word answers, they rarely express interest in me by asking questions about myself... and I feel like I'm intruding or being boring, so I usually just excuse myself from a conversation so I'm not rude or a creep

BUT THEN, I find out later that these same ladies that gave me short answers, never smiled at me and avoided eye contact with me LIKED me! What!?!?!? They never even seemed interested enough to give me the time of day!

Women that are married or in relationships (I dont mess around with girls in relationships.. I just can't ever bring myself to do it even if I really like her) they will make strong eye contact with me, smile at me and are extremely approachable, if conversation happens they may show interest in my personal life, like my hobbies or interests....

But they aren't single!!!!

wtf is wrong with me? Do I only attract taken girls? Why do women that seem uninterested in me later turns out they were interested? They never showed any signs! It just doesn't make sense

I guess I'm just ranting. Thanks for coming to my fart talk

submitted by /u/vinaceousfart
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from Dating Advice

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