Background: I (25F) am from Asia and didn't have much open dating experience before. How relationship worked for me was: I usually hanged out with people I knew in real life (classmates, coworkers, etc) and slowly develop feelings. Once confirmed that the feeling was mutual, we would move on to serious dating very fast. Never have I seen anyone more than once from dating apps, or dated multiple people at once. Since I broke up with my ex (an amicable break up, dated for 1 year) in July this year, I wanted to try out all this casual dating thing.
And so I got to meet this guy (21M) on Hinge. When we first started to talk, I wasn't ready for anything more than a friendship yet. And I would say it worked out pretty well - we hanged out 4 times (1 virtual + 3 in-person) doing fun activities, getting food, no physical contact at all.
By the time around our 4th meetup, I've also fully healed from my past relationship. I noticed that I like him quite a bit, and started thinking about where my relationship with this guy is going. That's also when I learned that he is moving out of the area by end of this year with his family. Ok.
Then, two weekends ago came our 5th meetup. after some kayaking, food, we sat in his car and chatted for a long time. We started exchanging our dating history, why we were using dating app... etc. And he confessed that he liked me. After confirming that this will only be a short-term thing (he was not open to LDRs), I decided to go along with my heart and enjoy the time while it lasts, thinking that this was exactly what I needed to experience and learn (oh well...).
We saw each other again this past weekend. And even though the entire day was amazing, by the end of it, I felt loss. I realized that I've already attached myself to this relationship, and thinking about him eventually leaving this area tears my heart apart.
This casual dating definitely isn't working out well. However, I also don't want to just directly fall back to serious datings only. I guess this is just something I need to get used to?? But the pain I'm feeling is very real.
So to my fellow redditors: How did you get over the end of your first casual dating? How did you get used to casual dating in general? And if you decided to do serious-datings only after trying out casual dating, what made you pick the side?
Thank you very much!
Edit: added age+gender details
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