It's worse when they are/were friends (ghost)(rant) - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, November 26, 2020

It's worse when they are/were friends (ghost)(rant)

She'd been giving me hints over the last few months to ask her out. We were in the same group of friends, so I was a little reluctant. Finally asked her out and we went on a fantastic date that ended with me staying the night and us getting to know each other really well. She told me she'd been waiting for me to ask her out for a while and had never met a guy like me. Even hinted that she couldn't wait to go on another date.

Tried asking her out again on two different occasions over the last three weeks and she just says she's busy. Now she hasn't replied at all to a message I gave her a few days ago.

It just feels extra shitty because I thought we had something, at least a friendship to be able to tell me something instead of ghosting. I know she had a prior relationship that was really shitty, but Jesus can't she just send me a simple "not feeling it" message instead of leaving me hanging?

I feel like I was used.

submitted by /u/jrr24601
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from Dating Advice

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