Separating the person from the way they made you feel - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, November 12, 2020

Separating the person from the way they made you feel

This is a poem I wrote about falling in love with the person my toxic ex made me feel like I was in the beginning (even though it was an idealized version). Hopefully this isn't terrible and some of you can relate to it. In the end I realized it wasn't him who I fell in love with, but the version of myself he brought to light. Luckily I found that girl again (without him) and I promise you will find yourself again too.

Porcelain Doll

I wish you never drempt her

the girl I long to be

I wish you never constructed her smile,

her wit, her beauty, her glee

Could you be a sculpter

or could you be a writer?

because the art, that is she,

just made me hold you tighter

I hoped you weren't an artist

I hoped you were a fraud

because you painted her image

with the shadow of a god

Do you still think of her?

Do you see her in me?

Do you also marvel at

how she came to be?

I wonder what I was thinking

while you dissected my thoughts

I wonder how you mastered

crafting porcelain dolls

Did it break you too,

when she took a fall?

Did you mean to put her,

on a pedestal so tall?

submitted by /u/carelessdiane
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from Dating Advice

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