Am I being overly judgy/ too cautious about tinder girl (NSFW) Pls read thank you - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Am I being overly judgy/ too cautious about tinder girl (NSFW) Pls read thank you

I (22m) have been using tinder since me and my ex stopped talking in the summer. Ive been doing casual hookups but found them to be kind of empty. So i swore off tinder for a little while. I recently redownloaded the app and I matched with one of the prettiest girls Ive ever seen and she messaged me first. We met up and watched a movie, and on our second date we had amazing sex multiple times and had a great time. She was clearly very very interested in me and very flirtatious calling me baby/ cutie. She even messaged me everyday after the hookup and she double texts me all the time. Shes so attractive its unbelievable!

She is supposed to come over tonight but I dont know if I shud see her again. Hear me out. Although shes a 10/10 and exactly my type and cute, and we had amazing rough sex there are many red flags because I dont know what I want and I am still a little emotional due to my last relationship. Her actions and words make me thinks she is extremely promiscuous and i told my friends and they are joking around saying shes a ho* Some red flags: -i met her on tinder -she talked about other guys to me on tinder and how she has a being dominated fetish (which i like but its weird to say right away) -she was very aggressive the first date -she was very loose (idk if this is solely due to multiple partners, but im well gifted and i still thought she was very loose) -she constantly posts insta/snapchat stories about sex/ singing WAP by nicki minaj -trying to set up a date for tonight and she sent me a video with her and a guy smoking weed in his room....

I normally wouldnt care idk, but its covid and I could totally see myself catching feelings because shes so hot and my type. I dont want covid and I dont know if i should meet up with her again. One part of brain is saying just have fun, another part is saying she is very promiscuous and to watch out. Idk what i want from tinder/ in my love life rn any help would b great. She wants to come over tonight

TLDR: Hot tinder girl Ive been sleeping with wants to come over tonight. However Im hesitant because she seems more wild than I am used to.. also Im fresh off relationship and covid is rising near me

submitted by /u/singhlee50
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