First date with no experience? - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, March 9, 2024

First date with no experience?

Hey, I’m 18 and have been talking to a girl for a few weeks, we have really got along well and shown mutual interest in each other. She is coming to my city in a few weeks and I offered to take her out to eat to which she happily accepted. She is only in my city from 1-6pm and I offered to take her out around the middle of that time in the early afternoon. I have never been on a date before or had much interaction 1 on 1 with any girls for that matter, and this is very out of my comfort zone which is a reason why I organised it besides having genuine interest in this girl, as I could have just put it off but I decided it’s time to take some control and push my own limits.

I’m wondering if anyone would have any advice as to how to plan the day with her and make it memorable, there will be a few hours between the time she arrives and the time we go for food, and maybe an hour after that before she returns home. I had planned to bring some of her favourite flowers she mentioned when we first started talking with me when she arrives to give to her. I would really appreciate any tips for the few hours we will have, or any general tips for a very first date. Thank you

submitted by /u/throwaway492583
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from Dating Advice

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