Met a new friend group and got a hug and kiss on the cheek off the girl I liked! - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, March 31, 2024

Met a new friend group and got a hug and kiss on the cheek off the girl I liked!


So last night I had went to a bar with some friends, a mix of guys and girls. I spoke to the girl I had just met and was the most attractive to me and we started talking about our life, work, future plans etc..relatively deep for someone I have just met.

My other friend hit on this same girl but two I witnessed get knocked back. At the end of the night, she hugged me and I asked her to get home safely to which she kissed me on the cheek and I reciprocated.

I want to progress this but also don't want to overstep the mark as this girl is a close friend of a good friend of mine.


submitted by /u/Fun_Honey3071
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