Is it normal to have sex everyday? - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, March 23, 2024

Is it normal to have sex everyday?

I F (18) and my bf of 2 years M(19) were very sexually active in the beginning of our relationship. This is our first relationship and at the time being so active seemed very normal. (At least 1-2 times a day) near our 1 1/2 mark we started having sex waaaay less. And I was okay with it but my bf was not. He has a very high sexual drive and I felt bad but I just wasn’t in the mood as much anymore. I thought it was normal to kinda get out of the honeymoon stage and especially because we are now in college and are busy and stressed I thought it was just how life is going right now. But he really loves sex. Everyday he’ll try to turn me on, get in the mood or try to make out and I tell him I’m not feeling it. He told me he wants to have sex at least once every other day. Is that normal? I’m okay with just having sex 1-2 times a week and from my research that’s the normal sex activity for most couples. He thinks I may be asexual but I don’t think so, I think I’m just okay with not being as sexually active. I don’t really want to have sex everyday or every other day. I want it to be special not a chore you know?? Please help me I’m so lost.

submitted by /u/Prior_Locksmith9939
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