Should I set boundaries? - ATX News Paper

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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Should I set boundaries?

I feel like I should just give the whole story so that this post makes sense.

I just met a guy a few days ago and we hooked up twice. First time we met he just took on a small date then back to his. We started making out etc. and then things started getting heated. I told him I didn’t want to do anything more than kissing and he said okay.

I’m honestly not sure how it happened but we ended up having sex w/o a condom. Things just got heated I guess? I have an IUD so we are still being safe. I’m honestly a bit annoyed at myself, but I’m taking it on the chin and owning it. I am a super sex positive person, I’ve slept with people first time I’ve met them before, I just wanted to take things slow this time but I guess not 😅

Well anyway then I saw him the next day, we hung out, and then we had sex again.

During our hangout time I noticed he like side- pushed me (in a friendly way), but it actually made me like lose my balance. First time I was like “woah” but didn’t make anything of it. Then he did it again, I almost lost my balance again, so I said to him something along the lines of “omg you nearly pushed me over”, “that was too hard” etc. and he said I could push him back. I left it like that.

Another thing he did, is he slapped my face during us kissing. He did it twice. Both times I didn’t say anything, because I know he didn’t do it in a mean way, I could tell it was just something he probably liked to do or something? But the thing is, no one has ever done this before. And I have to admit, I don’t like it.

I know I need to say something about the slapping, if he ever does it again. But I don’t understand why he would just slap my face like that. I know some people like it, but the way I see it is, my face is like the pretty part why would you wanna slap my face if you think I’m pretty you know 😅 surely you should want to be gentle. I’m fine with slapping body parts. But the face is different?

Anyway, there are other smaller details that i’ve noticed about him. I can tell he’s kinda aggressive/forward (not sure if aggressive is the right word) but not in a bad way… I can’t explain it. How can I communicate with him that some things are okay and other things are not? How do I get my message across so that he knows to be more gentle with me?

Also how can I communicate with him that if he is going to sleep with other girls we will need to wear a condom? We have only met twice, talking about exclusivity is way too soon, and I don’t expect him to not sleep with other women. I don’t care what he does, as long as he’s respectful to me.

submitted by /u/Imm-BlackRose
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from Dating Advice

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