How do you know when someone is the one? - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

How do you know when someone is the one?

How do you know if someone is “the one” for you? If they aren’t doing anything wrong necessarily, but you wish they would do more. When you compare to how you have been treated in other relationships, there are pros and cons. In other relationships, I knew I was in love with someone around six months in. I have been dating someone for 8 months now and I just don’t feel it. I say I love you back, but I don’t feel it as deeply as I have before, but love looks different in every person. I feel like we aren’t growing, which could be my fault, but I don’t want to break up because he’s not doing anything wrong.

submitted by /u/pinkgalflorida
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from Dating Advice

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