How to get dates with social anxiety? - ATX News Paper

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Friday, March 29, 2024

How to get dates with social anxiety?

I am M24, I've had social anxiety plus depression basically all my life. A few years ago I started therapy with medication, because it got so bad, that I just couldn't take it anymore. My progress since then has been pretty good and I'm able to go through University and work without major issues. Due to my illness I have been extremely lonely for all my life. A few month ago I decided that I might be ready to date someone, which used to be an extreme horror scenario for me.

Now the question is how the fuck should I do that. I have zero experience and still feel pretty uncomfortable at any kind of social event. At university there are basically 90% men and at work it is even worse. And approaching women randomly on the streets seems impossible.

My therapist recommended that I should try online dating, which went as expected. I put a lot of effort in my profile and bought the platinum hyper ultra premium package for the two most used apps in my country, which I will never financially recover from. In two month there has been a hand full of girls I did some smalltalk and even some flirting with. Some of them sounded like they were genuinely interested in me. There a two options how this ended. Option A: I suddenly get ghostet after like a week of texting every day. Option B: I ask them out after like a week of texting and then get ghostet. I think the probability of success with one of the apps in the future is quite low, but I don't really have any more options. Do you have any recommendations?

submitted by /u/guertle
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