7 year age difference - ATX News Paper

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Monday, March 18, 2024

7 year age difference

I've recently found myself in a unique situation and could use some guidance. I met a girl through a friend group and we've hung out twice over the past three months. She lives in a neighboring country but visits my city 8-9 times a year. The first time we met, we flirted briefly and the second time, which was two months later (last weekend), we shared a more intimate connection, including kissing throughout the night at bars and night club and sleeping together (without having sex). The following day, however, didn't have the same spark (which could've also been due to the hangover and lack of sleep).

One of our main issues is the age gap - I'm 22M and she's 29F. We briefly discussed it during her first visit and it seemed somewhat problematic (not for me tho). Additionally, she plans to stay in her country for another 3-4 years due to better salary prospects, despite having some plans to return to our home country afterward. Our lives are also quite different at the moment; I'm a poor university student aiming for my bachelor's and master's degrees (still at least 3 years to go), while she finished mid-school long time ago and works in a warehouse somewhere. Despite her tough childhood and our different educational backgrounds, I find her intelligent and genuinely like her, not to mention her great attitude and looks. That's the funny thing about it. All this time I have thought that my future wife would be someone from my uni/work but now I meet this girl with very different background and nothing in common but couldn't stop thinking abut her.

She has mentioned wanting to have children by the time she's 35, which could be fine by me (I'd be 28 and hopefully with some financial stability). Although I did not mention it to her when we talked about it. After our recent weekend together, I sent her a text saying I had fun and suggested she should hit me up if she visits again (she replied that she's maybe coming in May). We've also toyed with the idea of a longer trip across Europe with our friend group, though it wouldn't happen until at least August.

My biggest question revolves around the age difference and how to approach this situation maturely. I genuinely like this girl and don't want to make her feel uncomfortable or annoyed by my actions. How should I navigate our communication and potential relationship, considering the age gap, distance, and our different life stages? To be fair, alcohol played a role in our interactions last weekend and while she mentioned multiple times while drunk that she kind of likes me, our sober interactions didn't carry the same flirtatious energy or strong connection, leaving me with somewhat mixed signals. Any advice on maintaining a connection or things to consider would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/tensionreddit
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