says he wanted to take a “step back” - ATX News Paper

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Monday, March 4, 2024

says he wanted to take a “step back”

so i used to work with this guy a few years ago. i liked him since then, but didn’t tell him until this year and he said he felt the same way. things were going good for a few weeks. when he came back from his trip, his energy changed and he started lagging real bad so i asked what was wrong. he said he felt like things were going too fast and that he wanted to just take a “step back” so i just backed off. a couple days after that, we stopped talking completely. i did message him again asking if he still liked me to see if i should keep waiting for him. he said he likes me, but he feels lost and that he doesn’t know how much he likes me?? that means there’s another person in the picture right? or is he genuinely lost and going thru personal stuff? i don’t like him anymore nor do i speak to him but i’m just curious what goes thru a guy’s mind lol.

submitted by /u/Entire-Difficulty456
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