I feel so awkward saying goodbye on dates to the point where I dread leaving - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, March 12, 2024

I feel so awkward saying goodbye on dates to the point where I dread leaving

Been going out with a guy for almost two months now. I’m a 23 yo female and he’s a 24 yo male. I have some social anxiety and dates stress me out but we’ve hung out about 7 or 8 times now (we see each other once a week) and I’m finally starting to feel a bit less nervous around him. We get along well and have good sex. But for some reason every time we’ve said goodbye to each other at the end of each date I feel so incredibly awkward. We have never kissed goodbye or even given each other a proper hug, we awkwardly give a side hug and avoid eye contact even though we initiate physical contact during our dates. Saying goodbye feels like my personal hell at this point 😂 does anyone else experience this?

submitted by /u/Admirable-Top-1095
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