How (un)ethical is it to take your new gf to places you've been with your ex? - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, March 21, 2024

How (un)ethical is it to take your new gf to places you've been with your ex?

For a bit of context, I broke up a few months ago with my ex-gf after a 1-year LTR. I have managed to heal and recover from the emotional wounds, then at some point felt ready to date again, and met this new girl a bit later.

We have been seeing each other for a month, and the relationship starts to feel like LTR material to both of us, although there's no rush to label it yet.

We have plenty of ideas for activities, and who knows eventually a short weekend or holiday trip later on.

However, there's one thing bugging me. My ex and I visited some great places, including a remote and lovely AirBNB house on the countryside with a jacuzzi. Really an ideal place to spend the weekend as a couple.

I don't know how to feel about wanting to take my current gf there. I am entirely over my ex, and there is no intent on my part to "overwrite" the past memories with new ones in the same place. The past belongs to the past, after all she had exes too. I just have the feeling that we would absolutely enjoy this kind of place for a short romantic trip.

Might be overthinking, but my concern is that my gf would feel in "competition" with the ex, because she would inevitably ask how I know about this remote place. So, out of honesty towards her, I would inevitably tell her about how I found out about this place.

So, my question is, how would you place this idea on the scale of ethics?

submitted by /u/ExcellentItem
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