How to tell a guy you want to take it slow - ATX News Paper

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Friday, November 6, 2020

How to tell a guy you want to take it slow

I’ve been talking to this guy online and were trying to find a day to meet up, and he said he’d drive to where I’m at so we could hang. All of that was fine and it was going great, but he said something along the lines of he wants to cuddle and stuff, which is all cute and flirty and all is good, until it actually seemed like he legit wanted to make plans to do that. This would be fine and all but for me, that’s just way to fast. I suggested that we do something else instead, by saying something like “maybe this time we could just go grab something to eat or something” with the hopes that he would pick up that that’s way to fast for me. I’d much prefer to take things slow, especially since I’m pretty new to the whole dating thing. I also really don’t want to agree to that and him expect to have sex with me. He seems like a nice guy and that he’d understand but how can I imply that I would much prefer to take it slow without offending him and running him off. I suppose if he gets offended and get run off by that, then he’s not worth my time anyway if he doesn’t respect my boundaries. I would prefer to keep cuddling and sex until I’m actually in a committed relationship. What are some of y’all’s tips to let him know that I’m not interested in moving that fast? I know the easiest and most efficient way would be to just straight up tell him, but to be honest that scares me lol. What should I do?

submitted by /u/Your_Name_Here1234
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from Dating Advice

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