Why do people say “let’s do this again!” / “next time I’ll come to your area” / “let’s do X another time” on dates when they have no intention of seeing that person again? - ATX News Paper


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Friday, November 13, 2020


Why do people say “let’s do this again!” / “next time I’ll come to your area” / “let’s do X another time” on dates when they have no intention of seeing that person again?

Obviously if said in response to the other person bringing up “next time” it makes sense, as they would just be trying to be polite.

What I’m really asking is why would someone speak about “next time” without being prompted?

So I went on what I thought was a date the other day. I’m 28/f, he was 34/m. We hung out for over five hours and had two bottles of wine. When I made it clear that I wasn’t looking to have sex that evening the guy told me he wasn’t either, and that he was in love with someone else (Who lives abroad and has a 3-year boyfriend), and proceeded to tell me about her and how he was going to pursue her etc. When I jokingly said “I thought this was a date” he said “no I just like female company and hang out with girls all the time”. We then got the bill and left not long after. We split the bill (he had more food than me but hey), and I dropped him home on my Uber trip. At the pub and in the Uber he kept on bringing up “next time”, without me prompting anything - like 3 times.

I wonder why he would mention “next time”? Was it because he wanted to be liked - to seem like a nice guy? Because he just didn’t want there to be someone who didn’t like him? Might he have said it if he thought I liked him, and he didn’t want me to feel bad? Like I had wasted my time? Or if he sensed I had put in a lot of effort? Was it because I paid more than my share of the bill as he had more food than me?

I don’t get why he would feel the need to mention “next time” - to bring up us potentially seeing eachother again.......? So confused.

submitted by /u/Inevitable_Bat_4679
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