Flirty personality or flirting? - ATX News Paper

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Flirty personality or flirting?

So there's this girl I'll call A, we've been texting for about a month now and are planning a hangout soon (with one of my friends and one of her other friends who've started dating because me and A got them in contact).

For context, a few days ago I asked her if she liked me because I wanted to see how she feels about me (she's dropped a couple suggestive texts in the past) however she asked me in response how I felt about her which left me in a position to answer first. I responded "you're cool, I wouldn't mind dating but I also like being friends" which she responded with "on the same page as you". What I'm concerned about is the possibly irrational thought that she copied my answer because she didn't want to lose our friendship after I somewhat half friendzoned her unintentionally because she may or may not be slightly shy (my friend told me she's a bit introverted, whereas A has told me in the past she's an extrovert in a group of introverts and an introvert in a group of extroverts so I'm not sure what to think). After this, I feel as though our relationship has dwindled slightly as we text slightly less frequently (from bursts with breaks to every hour or two now with only a few texts)

However just today, we were talking and she's made a few suggestive comments like:
"dreaming about you"
"the dream was just a warmup, the hangout is the big event" (which she did break the tension in just after with playful messages)

I'm just not sure if she has a flirty personality or is actively trying to flirt and to preface, no we have never met in person yet.

submitted by /u/Accomplished-Cry51
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from Dating Advice

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