Situationship that didn't last - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Situationship that didn't last

I (22M) was talking to this girl 2 years ago and we really hit it off. There were some mixed signals here and there, but in general we both knew we liked each other and enjoyed each other's company.

Once the summer ended, we both went to different universities in different states and after a couple weeks, it just faded out. I tried once or twice to reach out in the following weeks but it just wasn't landing.

I decided to move on and look for someone else. Problem being I couldn't. I missed her so much and really struggled in my dating life because I was hung up on her.

Now I hear she has had a boyfriend since then, which was hard to hear.

Issue is, whenever I bring it up to my close friends, I get hit with "but you never even dated" or "bro that was 2 years ago".

Am I being irrational and immature hanging on this long? I want to move on but it's a challenge. Has anyone faced this type of situation, where even though you didn't date, the "breakup" was really difficult?

submitted by /u/_Andyroooo_
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from Dating Advice

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