Worth the wait? - ATX News Paper

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Worth the wait?

This girl and I met on Hinge, and had a first date 4 days ago, during the date there was lots of chemistry, hugs, cuddling, kisses (on the cheek but while cuddling), great conversation, lots of laughs etc. On the date, we even said we hate hookup culture and how people pursue multiple people, and we mutually agreed to delete our dating apps, which we did and confirmed later over text. We agreed we definitely want a second date.

I've been talking to her quite a bit, sending voice memos, she said she really likes me, loves talking to me, thinks I'm very interesting etc.

However, she's also going through a very rough time at the moment, in between jobs, burned out due to the crazy hours of her last job, and just exhausted. She's been spending most of her time with family, but she's meeting her friend today. Basically, because of all this, she's not confirmed when we're having the second date yet. We talked about it, and she said she wants to figure out what's happening with work first, so she feels a bit better about herself and can be more emotionally present.

I'm not sure what to do here, because I completely respect her position, and I'd do the same thing. I wouldn't be able to just have fun with a new person if I'm stressed about money and finding a job. On the other hand, I don't want to end up waiting weeks and weeks, until the interest has died down, then either end up ghosted or something. It sucks because we 100% get along really well, and we're both on the same page, but these are definitely unusual circumstances and I would feel the same as her in that position.

Most likely, I'll end up waiting anyway, because we agree on so much that I'm pretty much sure I wouldn't find another match in the next few weeks with this much compatibility.

submitted by /u/InMyOwnRequiem
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from Dating Advice https://ift.tt/Zl4c7m9

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