Can I be upset that my FWB cancelled plans last minute ? OR AM I BEING DRAMATIC !? - ATX News Paper

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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Can I be upset that my FWB cancelled plans last minute ? OR AM I BEING DRAMATIC !?

Here’s a little bit of history: Him[24] and I [20] met last November and we’ve been seeing each other up until he moved across the country which was back in July. It started as a FWB, but became clear that both of us liked each and our dynamic was so effortless and fun. And I’m not saying that in a naive way and speaking on just my behalf because we did talk about our feelings and we were always on the same page. We were really communicative with one another and our feelings just progressed even more during quarantine when we started seeing each other 2-3 times. Needless to say we got to know each other super well!

We never dated because it just felt right with what we had going and it was at a pace we both liked. I’m bringing all of this up because calling it FWB is simply the fastest way of explaining what we were, but it doesn’t truly capture our actual dynamic we had going on, ya know?

I was bummed when he moved away. I felt like I’d lost a really good friend and I ended up missing him a lot more than i thought. I also realized how much more I liked him after he left as well..

When he moved, to my surprise, he still kept in contact with me! I really thought I’d never hear from him because I assumed he’d be seeing new girls and wouldn’t be interested in talking to me anymore, so for me to get messages from him made SO incredibly happy. We’d have catch up conversations, flirt and joke how we normally would in person, and this would happen at least twice a month from September up until now.

He told me he was coming home for the holidays back in November and I brought up the idea of meeting up, and he was so down for it.

Fast forward to this month (December) he comes home and we make plans for him to stay the night at my place! And I’m over here so so excited just geeking over the idea of seeing him again and getting to talk to him in person. (Keep in mind, I was looking forward to this since November right) I made sure I wasn’t seeing anyone else for the whole month because of covid and got tested and was super careful. He was reciprocating the same energy as well, expressing how stoked he was to see me and to hangout, WHICH MADE ME MORE EXCITED OKAY

But of course I’m writing this post for a reason. So the day comes and we planned to get together at 9 but at 8:30 he goes: “Tonight actually doesn’t work for me. I was gonna tell ya:(“ And I responded with something short cause I honestly had nothing to say: “no problem!”

YALL.. I was heart broken and I know that may seem dramatic since we never and aren’t dating, but I really liked the guy. I was just absolutely stunned that he flopped on me with no explanation so last minute cause he’s never done that to me ever in the past year that I’ve known him. It all seems so out of character for him because when he has canceled on me in the past he would let me know SO far in advance and would even give me an explanation.

It really hurts because this hangout that we had planned had this huge build up to it, and he kinda just allowed me to believe it was happening up until 30 minutes before which I find disrespectful. And I totally get that life gets busy but he never asked to reschedule either and never replied back to me :(

Overall, I just feel so hurt that after all this time of knowing and talking to each other, he flops on me the way he did especially after not seeing him for 4 months. I don’t value him any less after this because prior to this he was, still is, such an awesome and caring guy and I’ll always cherish the time I got to spend with him. But I truly don’t have any interest in continuing any kind of connection with him after this anymore because I feel so so disrespected and truthfully don’t tolerate being treated like that.

OKAY SO MY QUESTIONS ARE: - is it okay that I’m super upset about this whole situation even though we aren’t anything serious? - am I being dramatic for wanting to not stay in contact with him anymore? - How would you guys feel if a similar situation happened to you? I SERIOUSLY JUST FEEL LIKE A FOOL AND NEED TO KNOW HOW YOU ALL WOULD FEEL IF YOU WERE ME PLEASE

This was so long, but I really appreciate anyone who took the time to read this :)

submitted by /u/Yhtle00
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from Dating Advice

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