My (25F) boyfriend (28M) cried at dinner on Valentine's Day - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, February 16, 2020

My (25F) boyfriend (28M) cried at dinner on Valentine's Day

My boyfriend and I have only been together for a relatively short amount of time, about 4 months. I have never really been one who cares much for Valentine's Day myself. Been there, done that many times and the novelty of it has pretty much worn off. Most guys I've dated didn't care for it, and only went along with it because they felt they HAD to, or because they just wanted sex, etc.

My current boyfriend was keen and asked me out to dinner on Valentine's Day. I didn't really know what his views on the whole thing was, so I played it safe and just picked up something small for him. It was a little soft toy giraffe with a rose, and I taped a small card and a chocolate heart on its hand. It was honestly pretty goofy and nothing too spectacular.

When I gave it too him at dinner, he had the most purest reaction I had ever seen. He was thrilled when I gave it to him, but I could tell he was getting emotional. When I spoke up and asked if he was ok, that opened the floodgates and started bawling his eyes out. Everything I did to try and calm him down seemed to just make it worse lol. We ended up having to leave before the food came out, and ended up grabbing McDonald's drive thru on the way home instead.

I found out later when we got home that it was the first time anyone had ever given him anything on Valentine's Day, and it was his first Valentine's Day that he wasn't single. He was obviously really embarrassed, but to me it was probably the purest, sweetest most heartwarming thing I've ever seen. He has already put that dumb giraffe proudly on display in his room :P

Not a question, just something I really wanted to share. I would have to say this was hands-down the best Valentine's Day I've ever had, and seeing how much it can mean to someone, it really changed how I think about the holiday now :)

submitted by /u/DillyAmber
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