How many dates does it take to know if the person is right for you? - ATX News Paper

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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

How many dates does it take to know if the person is right for you?

I (32M) was in a long lasting relationship over a year ago. Since then I wasn't ready to get back into the dating stage again so I took my time and waited till I was ready. Until recently, I was on a dating site and was messaging two different girls. The messaging part was going really well, I felt I was connecting to them each differently, but in a good way. I arranged to meet with one. We met up, got a coffee and went for a walk to talk. Things were going well, or so I thought. By the end it seemed things went well, but she told me that she didn't feel a vibe. I gave her the respect for telling me and we parted ways. I continued talking to the other girl and soon enough we met up for a coffee date. At first it was well, but then I noticed she wasn't active in the conversations and frequently checking her phone. She said she had to go then afterwards ghosted me. So I started to wonder if women know within the first meet up if a guy is worth it or not. I have given at least two or three dates to tell or am I being too generous?

submitted by /u/Syke9911
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from Dating Advice

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