How to know if a guy is emotionally unavailable or not that into you ? - ATX News Paper

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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

How to know if a guy is emotionally unavailable or not that into you ?

Been seeing a guy for 3 weeks in, we had good first and 2nd date that makes me interested in getting to know im more. Our 3rd date we spent few days together. I have been showing him that I'm interested in him. First, 2nd date was great but third date I felt like he doesn't really want to get to know me, being quiet, not asking me questions, and avoid deep talk. He likes being sarcastic but every time I asked him serious questions he just making a joke about and not really taking me seriously. Sarcasm is fun sometimes but, here I want to hear your thoughts. He gave me the very bare minimum. I have been upfront from the beginning about what I'm looking for and I'm looking for romantic connection. He told me he is looking for a partnership. But he cannot answer what is partnership for him. We have been texting regularly. Of course I have been the one who keep the conversations going, because I don't like to play games. I have been very upfront and uncertainty make me feel a bit anxious because of the mixed signals. I feel like I'm the one who do the lift and he is just existing. He told me he cannot show the same level interest as I do because he needs more time, he told me we're building this together slowly and we're taking it slow. I watched his actions and in person when we met I felt like we're just fwb, no intimacy unless I make the move, no compliment, no feeling of emotional closeness. Mostly after dinner we went to his place and stay inside. When I asked him to do something with me he doesn't want but hanging out with his friends and left me alone there. So I'm confused. Is this guy really interested in taking it slow? Can someone give me some insight on this

submitted by /u/yourbaezara
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