Unsolicited D Pic? - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Unsolicited D Pic?

I've been talking to this guy for nearly a month, as suggested I received an unexpected picture of 'down there'. it was honestly like a whole body pic taken from above. I could barely see his pecker, it wasn't even "excited'. 😂 but needless he was fully naked and I got it mid-day. Honestly I was pretty shocked. We had a first 'spicy' convo the night prior..but it wasnt really anything other than us trying to decide if we wanted to 'do the do'. I figured it had something to do with that. No pics were exchanged btw. I just asked him why, and he said he thought I might have wanted to see it. I told him he needed to ask first. He said "No worries won't happen again". No apology. Overall he seemed like a nice guy. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't go back and gawk over it either. I'm just not sure if I should keep seeing him or if it was a deal breaker. I worry this may open to door to other serious issues. I have a very snoopy child that easily could have been over the shoulder. Which I feel like adds even more stress on the matter. I just wanted opinions.... Tia.

submitted by /u/BadJuJu4who
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