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Thursday, October 12, 2023

What should I do

So I've been around a bit M(20) I haven't seen all of the world yet, but I've seen enough to know it's not good. I've been trying relationships and sometimes casual dating for three years now, and I don't know what to do. I keep running into crazy people of all kinds. So to put it lightly I've been in some uncomfortable situations. I've even dated people around my age and dated a middle aged mom. And most of them I've been physically/sxxu4lly harassed constantly, treated like I was doing everything wrong when they kept making bad decisions and I politely asked them not to, and then when the stupid decisions they made went wrong they got mad at me. Plus they mooched my money and when I didn't spend any on them because I was a teenager at a minimum wage job they would get gradually more upset and act like I don't care. Now I'm a distant guy, I've been in so many abusive relationships that I just don't want to be near someone if I don't trust them, even if I think I care for them. To be honest I don't even think there's a man or woman left on this earth that isn't crazy enough to want to r**e me when I don't constantly want to do something intimate after the first experience they've had with me. I just want answers. Where can I find a sane woman who won't stab me in the chest with a box cutter when she has a dream of me cheating?

submitted by /u/Fair-Negotiation1881
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from Dating Advice https://ift.tt/nfUk7aB

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