Ladies, as a guy i see many women equating niceness and stability with boring or non exciting and toxic with thrilling, why is that? - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, October 7, 2023

Ladies, as a guy i see many women equating niceness and stability with boring or non exciting and toxic with thrilling, why is that?

I see so many women conflating and equating this together and I feel it's unhealthy for both the genders

I feel this gives the wrong message to guys that toxic and red flags are attractive and a lot of women find it boring where there is a lack of drama, when there is no unpredictability from a guy and overall niceness and stability

Unfortunately yes the opposite works and being hot/cold or toxic attracts women because it shows confidence, assertiveness and is thrilling but not for all women (it works for immature women with no sense of self)

So my question to the ladies is that why so much conflating of niceness and stability with boring or unexciting ?

submitted by /u/Ahappyplace55
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