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Thursday, October 19, 2023

Mixed Signals

I (30M) met a woman (32F) on Bumble. I learned right away that she takes a while to reply, as there were literally days between our first few messages. Which is fine, whatever. I'm a busy person myself so I get it. Her messages started getting more consistent though, multiple times a day, very long messages. We would send multiple paragraphs back and forth to each other and both expressed how much we enjoyed talking to the other.

Then she stopped replying. A couple days go by, I found myself thinking about her a lot but whatever. I've been ghosted before, nothing new. Then she messaged me again, basically saying that she hasn't heard from me since the day she stopped replying, and that she's also been thinking about me a lot. Apparently my response to her or her response to me got lost or didnt send? That's never happened to me before, but whatever. I gave her my number since I figured that'd be an easier way to communicate. She ended up texting me, but has already stopped replying after the first text she sent. Granted, it hasn't even been a full day, but still, what the hell?

I know she wouldn't have texted me or messaged me back at all if she wasn't interested, but I'm kinda confused here as to what's going on. I do like her and want to continue getting to know her but this is kind of giving me whiplash. And we're only in the talking stage so it's not like she owes me anything, so I can't just ask her what the deal is.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/LostNovelist
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from Dating Advice https://ift.tt/YdKmUFb

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