Why did he pursue me but always flakes when we try to meet up? - ATX News Paper

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Monday, October 2, 2023

Why did he pursue me but always flakes when we try to meet up?

Background context- I was in a relationship with a man who I since broke up with recently. Shortly before my ex and I broke up, a friend of his really good friends added me on Snapchat which I found odd. He had always interacted with me occasionally on Instagram throwing likes every so often and I’d see him from time to time in a group setting while with my ex. I always found him cute but wouldn’t have pursued anything while I was in a relationship. I should also note him and my ex are mere acquaintances but they do share a really good friend.

Anyways, we have snapped everyday for about a month and while it was innocent in the beginning, we’ve both since talked about how we’ve always felt attraction towards each other these past couple years and have even stayed up all night sexting on multiple occasions (no, I didn’t send him any photos). At one point he even said it’s like I put a spell on him, that’s how badly he wants me. It’s been really intense and he’s been so interested wanting to meet up, but when it comes down to it he always flakes!

I know on my end it’s just a hook up and it’s clear he feels the same way in that regard. But he continues to talk to me promising we’ll meet up but then doesn’t. Why does he only want to text?!? Wouldn’t he want to actually meet up and hook up? Help me understand…

submitted by /u/Signature_Dizzy
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from Dating Advice https://ift.tt/LghDiAS

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