Would you let someone you’re seeing sleep over if you had to work really early the next day? - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Would you let someone you’re seeing sleep over if you had to work really early the next day?

I’ve been seeing a guy (37) for a month now, and we have hung out four times. I live an hour away and I always go to him since he lives alone/in a better area with stuff to do. Each time I’ve visited him I’ve spent the night after having sex. He invited me over tomorrow but stated he had work the next day very early (6am) so he “couldn’t stay up too late”. I replied/offered saying I wouldn’t sleep over/wouldn’t drink at all so I could drive home at night so he could get a good nights rest before his early shift.

This is kinda annoying for me because I live far, and was wanting to have a glass or two of wine with him but I’m not comfortable driving even if I’ve had a sip of alcohol (light weight). We also are not meeting up until 4 pm and I hate driving in the dark so unless I only spend a few hours with him I’ll be driving in pitch darkness for an hour. Driving an hour each way to hang out/have sex for a few hours without cuddling in bed after doesn’t sound so great to me. I’m not sure why I automatically suggested not sleeping over. I felt like he was hinting to me that I shouldn’t sleep over or something but now I just almost want to reschedule.

Do you think he may have meant that I could still sleep over and leave with him in the morning? Is it normal/common for men to leave for work early and let the girl sleep in/stay in their bed and let themselves out on their own or is that not a common thing for such a new “relationship”

Tl/dr: I want to sleepover at his house but felt like he didn’t want me to since he works early. I’m driving an hour to see him and hate driving at night so I’d prefer to sleep over and leave with him at 6am even. Should I expect him to offer I sleepover regardless of him working early?

submitted by /u/linda1888
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