Does anyone else feel like dating in your 30s is extremely dry and clinical? The exact opposite of warm and fuzzy - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Does anyone else feel like dating in your 30s is extremely dry and clinical? The exact opposite of warm and fuzzy

These are the most important things to me. I feel like these three things are the essence of a good relationship:

1) Mutual sexual attraction

2) Chemistry where we authentically click. Like we make each other laugh and have interesting talks about life.

3) Someone I can hangout with the whole day and just vibe without saying much. They have a life outside of me too, but we're better together when needed.

But every date I go on in my 30s feels like a rough job interview turned legal deposition.

1) Are you a home owner?

2) Do you have kids?

3) What is your exact job title?

4) Are you on good terms with your family members?

5) What is your education level?

I'm surprised I don't get asked my credit score tbh. And I am very, very well aware that these things are important, but at the same time... I often feel like women are wanting to date my circumstances over me.

Like I had a phone date with this woman from Hinge just last Friday night. I thought it was going to be a cute phone call of us just seeing if we vibe, but she just asked me questions about my job for about 40 minutes. I got off the phone feeling agitated like I just got out of a lawyer deposition.

I am doing an awful job at putting my feelings into words, but I know I can't be the only one who feels like this.

submitted by /u/Yossi25
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from Dating Advice

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