If you’re one week sober, maybe don’t go actively seeking a relationship and not tell the person you’re dating that you’re brand new to sobriety - ATX News Paper

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Monday, May 31, 2021

If you’re one week sober, maybe don’t go actively seeking a relationship and not tell the person you’re dating that you’re brand new to sobriety

This is a bit of a rant, for which I apologize. I’m annoyed. I realize part of this is my own fault for accepting subpar behavior, but when you’re a woman in your 30s, you feel like your time is slipping away from you. Every time someone isn’t truthful with you from the start, you feel a bit betrayed, and that your biologicalclock starts ticking even faster.

If you’re brand new to sobriety, it’s not the best idea to date in general. If someone says they can’t find that critical piece of info in the literature, they clearly didn’t look hard enough, cuz that’s common knowledge. The focus is supposed to be on you in early recovery, and if you withhold this very crucial information from a potential significant other because you’re “testing the waters”, but you tell her you’re looking for a relationship, you’re setting yourself and your potential partner up for disaster. You are lying to yourself and to someone else.

I was told this situation wasn’t just a red flag, but this person was a forest fire. If you feel something is a red flag, don’t walk towards it thinking it’ll turn white and that maybe this person could be the exception to the rule. Value yourself, your sanity, and your time.


submitted by /u/PFuzzOfficial
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from Dating Advice https://ift.tt/3wMKAmx

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