Advice Needed to handle a jealous guy in this situation - ATX News Paper

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Monday, May 31, 2021

Advice Needed to handle a jealous guy in this situation


My ex and I are exclusively dating. Long story short, we both have individual-based problems but we still want to better ourselves and work out in the future. We are mutually and exclusively still dating but without the title. Don't need any judgmental comment on this situation, please.

I had a personal fitness goal and recently purchase a gym membership. I have NO experience in lifting weights nor I had any close friends that lift weights. My ex is a gym head. I asked him for training and he is not interested in training me because of his schedule and we live around 30 minutes away so it's not too convenient for him. He would still train like once a month, but his training makes me anxious and stressed because he has no patience with me. However, a friend recommends me her own friend to train me. I brought this up to my ex and he got ANGRY that I was considering training with another guy. My ex is an extremely jealous person. My friend still pushes me to get trained by her friend and we have been training every week. And his training style actually works better for me! This guy's schedule matches mine and we work out in the gym near my house. However; I feel guilty and bad because I don't want to keep this from my ex. Yes, I acknowledge he lost rights of what I do because he's an ex and yes, I know I am not physically or emotionally backstabbing him because I just see this other guy as a friend and most importantly a trainer that can help me achieve my personal goals.

But I do want to lie and kept this from my ex despite other people told me to. I love and care about my ex a lot and don't want to lose or hurt him. But I also want to put myself first.

Any advice on how I can approach this situation and any insight I should know.

submitted by /u/JSFirstofHerName
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from Dating Advice

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