Wanting to date, but not much to offer... - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, May 29, 2021

Wanting to date, but not much to offer...

Over the last month or so I (26F) have been really trying to put myself out there (starting conversation with regulars at the gym, OLD, etc.) since I have been single for the past year or so and would really like to find someone to connect with. The big problem I keep running into is that I really don’t have much to bring to the table right now, and it’s killing my confidence.

Over the past year I quit a job due to a toxic work environment and moved into my mother’s house so I could afford to go back to school and finally get my undergraduate degree and I’m working a part time retail job until I graduate. I feel pretty ridiculous trying to look for someone who has their life together when I am a 26 year old who works at the mall and lives with their mom.

I had a pretty small circle of friends before the pandemic, then when things got bad most of my friends moved away to more economical areas, so I spend most of my free time alone. Just not sure if I should stop focusing on dating for the next year or if my problems are not as bad as I’m thinking they are...

TL;DR I live with my mother and work a low wage job and it’s holding me back from dating.

submitted by /u/bee_jemm
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from Dating Advice https://ift.tt/3fT1Dwl

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