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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Help decipher what she actually means by this

Hey guys so I had a date with this girl and we seemed to really hit it off. We matched on hinge, had a lot in common on the date, she said she was attracted to me, we stayed at the restaurant until close and they actually had to kick us out, we made out like high school kids in her car (she’s 28 I’m 29). She was the one who said she wanted to see me again the next day through text. She works in the hospital and her shifts kinda suck, they rotate but right now she’s doing nights 4 days a week..

The thing is it’s been 11 days since our date and we’ve communicated through text but it’s turned into me initiating over the last 3-4 days. After our date she went home for the weekend to see her family. Last Tuesday she reached out ( i didnt ask) and she said she was busy this week so our date was TBA and asked for a rain check and also added in ‘I swear I’m not ditching ha’. It’s been 4-5 days now and she didn’t attempt to let me know when she’s free (we’ve kept in contact but nothing about seeing each other gain) so i sent this text and she gave this as a response...

Text messages:

me- ‘ I tried thinking of an optimistic response to that but i struggled hah. Hey, i totally don’t want to blow up your phone if you’re busy or if you’re not interested. Let me know if you feel like using that rain check sometime.’

her- ‘I’m sorry, I’m just literally miserable when i switch over to nights, honestly it’s like time halts. I’m awake when everyone‘s sleep, and I’m attempting to sleep when everyone’s awake (and when i can’t i worry because i know I’ll be tired through shift/worry about making mistakes from being tired, causing me to not sleep more ha) I also thought i was only on 3 shifts ha but sadly 4, which means Tuesday I’m dead too (it’s only been several months I‘ve had a schedule like this, but all the while wondering why I’m doing it). It’s a perpetual cycle ha’

The thing that’s confusing to me is that Tuesday she reached out to me saying she wanted that date but gave me a heads up It’d be TBA because her schedule. Now it sounds like it’s never ending? What’s your thoughts lol. I’ve heard the advice if a girl wants to see you she’ll make herself available it’s just odd she sent a few texts saying she wasn’t ditching etc. If you got this message how would you respond or would you at all? I like her and i meant for that last text i sent her to be open ended so she could reach out if she was ever free haha, do i respond ?

submitted by /u/CoolAfternoon5
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from Dating Advice

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