Struggling to get dates online - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, May 29, 2021

Struggling to get dates online

Sorry for the long paragraph. I’m a 21(F) I’ve been using Tinder, Bumble and Hinge on and off for a few years with little success. I think I’ve been on a total of 7 dates and 1 hookup. I get lots of matches and a decent amount of messages but getting a guy to want to go on a date with me is hard work. We will arrange a date, book a table and on the day he’ll leave me on read. Or I’ll be speaking to a guy for two weeks and he’ll make no effort to want to meet. 7/10 times I’ve initiated the meet or exchange of numbers. Or the guy will ask for my Snapchat with no intention of ever meeting, probably just to ask for nudes. I’ve even tested asking the guy if he wants to hookup and he will waste no time with wanting to meet 🥲. What’s even worse is a busy guy, what’s the point of dating if you don’t have any time to see the person? I’ve had a guy flat out say he’s busy for the next 7 weeks because he wants to hang out with his friends on the weekends and he works on the weekdays😭 Or the guy will be fresh out of a relationship and doesn’t want anything serious. Because of all of this, I’ve done a lot of unmatching and not a lot of meeting. I would really like a relationship but I’m not sure what I can do. So many people have met their partners online including my friends and I’ve been so unlucky. Any tips to change my luck?

submitted by /u/OkGene7668
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from Dating Advice

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