Why do i fall for girls that dont like me back? - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, May 29, 2021

Why do i fall for girls that dont like me back?

So im a 24 year old Guy. I have never had a problem with girls, i go on dates, do hookups and have been in a serious relationship. But i have NEVER even been close to ”getting” the girls i crush on and its not because i dont try or that i am affraid, trust me i try.

But i can always know they dont like me back and its become almost like an instict that if i accualy get a ”cheek blushing, butterflies in stomach-crush” that it never will go anywhere.

It got to such an extent that i tought i had commitment issues when like a week ago i realised that most girls i date is just not ”for me” and not that im scared of relationships.

I have talked to girls that i have had crushes on (one of my closest friends is an old HS-crush)and asked why its like this and the answer is usualy ”youre a great guy and deserve someone better than me”.

I have been thinking about this alot and been thinking if i am the problem?

Like om not a perfect guy, far from it. But im not bad, i would say im pretty attractive, i study at university, have normal friends and is ”okay fit”. And no i would not call my self a ”nice Guy” (i used to be a ”nice guy” in highschool, just because of this reason)

So help me Reddit. This is fcking kiling me. Like i swear it hurts like heck every single time.

(Throwaway account and not an english speaker so sorry for the spelling)

submitted by /u/OkOrganization5578
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