Getting too drunk/oversharing on a date - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, May 29, 2021

Getting too drunk/oversharing on a date

Had a third date with a guy last week and I definitely messed things up by over-drinking and over-sharing on said date, but I also feel like he sent mixed signals in response, so I guess this is just me trying to lick my wounds after being rejected.

I met with a guy for a third date last week in the evening after a nail appointment where I probably had too many glasses of champagne due to nerves (my first mistake). I was already pretty buzzed when he picked me up, but thought the food would kind of take it down a notch, so ordered another drink with dinner. From here, I just got way too annoying and sharing all my insecurities about everything, which in sober retrospect, was probably pretty alarming, but he seemed to be just going along with it. After leaving this venue (probably 2 hours later), I hinted that it was still early, and he suggested going to a nearby bar where I ordered another drink and continued being annoying as fuck. We stayed there and chatted til last call, then he drove me home and gave me the dreaded hug. As I'm in the middle of a move, he offered to lend me any tools or supplies I might need before leaving. After he dropped me off, I texted him asking to let me know when he got home and he did, saying something along the lines of "thanks for a fun evening". I asked the next afternoon if he had a tool I could borrow for my move and he said that he did and that he could drop by the next day to help with what I needed to do. However, the next day, mid-day he mentioned, seemingly coldly, that he was called in to another office (not in the city in which I live). Didn't hear from him during the week, so reached out today just to check in and he responded a few hours later saying he had fun but wanted to leave it at that and not move forward, which is fair, but I also feel like his signals were super mixed?

I acknowledge where I could have went wrong and accept his decision, but I also think it was strange to one day offer to help with something and the next day come up cold. I'm clearly overthinking the situation and just need to use it as a learning experience to not let me nerves get the best of me and use alcohol as a crutch moving forward, but just venting and looking for feedback I guess. I'm having trouble not taking his response super personally right now (i.e. thinking/feeling there's something inherently wrong with me), so just trying to wade through that right now. How do ya'll bounce back after situations like this and not spiral into negative thinking?

submitted by /u/iskyleslow
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