OLD - she only sends one message each day. How should I approach this? - ATX News Paper

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Friday, May 28, 2021

OLD - she only sends one message each day. How should I approach this?

As the title says - matched with her on Monday and since then (she replied on Tuesday) she has sent one message each day, with the exception of tonight (I’d imagine she’s on a date!). I usually respond to her’s after 30mins-1hr, but still her reply won’t come until the next evening.

I know women have a completely different experience on these apps compared with us guys, so I’d imagine she’s got tons of matches and 3-5 chats on the go at once. She’s also a teacher so she’s probably very busy too. Maybe I’m a back up whilst she focuses on a date she has this weekend or something.

My question is, how do I play it now? If she replies tomorrow, do I just straight up ask her on a date (feels a bit early, we haven’t exchanged that many messages), or do I reply immediately (if I see it) and see if we can get a bit of a back and forth going? Or do I just continue going at the pace it’s going at, and ask her on a date next week sometime?

It’s annoying as I’m chatting to a few others at the moment, have a date tomorrow (which I’m on the fence about) - but I’m most interested in her, she lives closer, we have more in common, and she asks good questions and has actually read what’s on my profile, unlike most matches these days.

submitted by /u/Forward_Moveing
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from Dating Advice https://ift.tt/3vwoG6Z

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