How to ask the girl in my student dorms out? - ATX News Paper

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Monday, May 31, 2021

How to ask the girl in my student dorms out?

Backstory: I'm an international student studying at a university in the uk atm so basically I'm living in dorms and this girl lives in the same building as mine. I'm only writing this cz the way to ask a girl out here is different than where I'm from.

Okay basically I started uni last september so you get to meet most of the people in your building in the first few weeks (bcz of covid), we chatted a bit for a few days irl but I have her number from her friend bcz her friend's phone was dead and she needed to call her from mine, and that was literally it. We were playing truth or dare once with my flatmates and they asked who I fancy in this building, I told them that I fancy her (I was drunk ish that night, I only said her to skip this question). It wasn't a big deal then. Alright, that was September-december bit. We barely talked since, just a hi when we see each other.

I went to get my takeaway tonight, and she was outside in the courtyard so she asked me where I was going and we chatted for a bit. Long story short, it's the first time ever I really feel that I like her.

What do you think I should do? Text her out of the blue? And I really want to go out with her at some point but idk how to ask her out.

submitted by /u/jayfa15
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