Guys, give up on online dating… - ATX News Paper

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Guys, give up on online dating…

The odds are completely not in your favor. Here’s proof. Clubs let women in for free to create an incentive for men to pay to get in so they can proceed to hit on these women. Even with there being a pay wall for men to enter, there’s still way more men in clubs then they are women. Online dating has no initial pay wall for either gender to join. So just imagine the horribly skewed ratio of men to women on there. For a man to find a woman and lead it to a relationship they have to be either very handsome and/or lucky with timing but most likely both. I found my ex-wife via online dating but I would say that I am objectively a handsome dude who has been told that by several women. Also, this was back in 2016 where the ratio probably wasn’t as bad as it is now.

Yes, for the guy who’s about to post and say he has gotten dates or a relationship recently, I never said the chances are 0% so just don’t even waste your breathe.

submitted by /u/Protomize
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from Dating Advice

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