I'm sick of everyone saying "nobody owes you anything" - ATX News Paper

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Saturday, May 1, 2021

I'm sick of everyone saying "nobody owes you anything"

It's setting low accountability and low standard behaviour in dating. I see it so often in the comments, and it's just a shitty excuse to justify shitty behaviour.

The bare minimum anyone is owed in dating is kindness and respect, that's a minimum

Don't get this twisted, I'm not saying you owe anything to someone who has treated you badly, or where you are in an environment that is not safe to communicate with someone. But for people who get ghosted, left on read, mixed messages, needing closure, the minimum they should expect, (anyone should expect), from someone they are dating is kindness and respect. And yeah, it is kind of owed when you are giving the same in return.

Stop setting low accountability behaviour. And stop justifying shitty behaviour from a self-righteous lens of "nobody owes you anything" - what a terrible world we would live in if everyone had this view.

submitted by /u/_youllneverknow
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from Dating Advice https://ift.tt/3t8CORB

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